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Welcome to Gama Aviation

July 27 2024

Welcome to Corridor Portal

Our new customer portal provides an easy sign-off process to new and emergent work when it is conducted at our Bournemouth (UK) facility.

Simply click on the link, log-in and all records will be clearly identified as either in process or pending your decision. If you are satisfied with a pending work order, simply change it’s status to ‘approved’ and the team will immediately be notified of your decision. Our terms & conditions are available by clicking here.

Portal 2
Take me to the portal


  • Log in using the name and initial password provided.
  • Change your password from within the portal ‘Account’ tab. The complexity and therefore security of the password and to whom it is shared with is the responsibility of the client.
  • From the Home Page you can select your aircraft by registration, and you will be presented with any open orders with published defects plus any service quotes which may require approval.
  • From within the quote approval you will see all relevant charges for labour, parts, services & miscellaneous charges exclusive of tax. Using the drop down on each line you can approve the work or approve all using the bottom button. Please note that rejecting a line will freeze all progress for that line on the shop floor.
  • It is important to approve work proactively as this enables Gama Aviation to provide services and place orders on behalf of the client in support of meeting the aircraft out date.
  • In the work order screen, you will see any defects raised plus a resolution summary if the work has been signed off. A status is also displayed such as open, in progress when work has begun or signed off, awaiting billing when the line is finished. We do not presently display financial information as this is contained within the quote area.
  • You can click on any individual line to see all details.
  • It is possible to export to excel any page order or quote using the download XLSX button.
  • At present we do not communicate via the portal with comments or attachments. Please send any enquiries direct to your nominated contact route via email or phone.
Approval of work on the portal is considered acceptance by the client to provide services in accordance with our terms and conditions, equivalent to a signed acceptance on hardcopy. Please note that to meet planned out dates a regular review of the portal should be made by the client. Approvals transfer directly to the shop floor immediately and are date/time indexed. Gama Aviation do not accept responsibility for delays caused by the slow approval or work via the portal. Our terms & conditions are available by clicking here.

Location coverage

Bournemouth International Airport (EGHH)

Our Bournemouth International Airport facility, a hangar and office facility of over 135,000 sq ft provides an extraordinary space which we aim to turn into one of Europe’s flagship business aviation facilities.

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Glasgow International Airport (EGPF)

Glasgow International Airport (EGPF) operates as an MRO and FBO facility servicing business jets at Glasgow International (EGPF) , fleet operators and transient fuel stops.

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Aberdeen International Airport (EGPD)

We have had a base at Aberdeen Airport for most of our 25 year contract with the Scottish Ambulance Service, leasing hangarage from the Airport.

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